Bathrrom Sneak Peak11/23/2022 So, I finally decided on a house and here I am decorating it. This photo is just a tiny little sneak peak of the what the bathroom will look like. Decor:
Bloom! - Pipe Shelf Deco (11 prims) Fantasy Pixels - Calming Moods Shelf (16 prims) @ INOV Event till Dec 2, 2022
Blog 128111/19/2022 Now that winter is upon us it is time to turn everything white and make it look like the Holidays. I started this way. Snowy grass, bushes, trees and ground. My first decor items are these wonderful lamps from Bloom. They are the Bloom! - Christmas Street Lantern. They turn on and off and are 7 prims each. They really are cute and fit the festive mood. The second thing I added is from Why Not and it is called the {Why Not?} Drumvaich Couples Christmas Arbor. It is 25 prims and has plenty of great animations for you and your person to enjoy. I love the lights on it. I really like the lights on it. When you put on a dark windlight you can see them.
May 2024
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